In today’s times, there is a growing demand for renewable resource solutions to adopt sustainable approach in everyday living. Illumination is one such criterion that has seen significant innovations bringing in great alternatives that have successfully replaced street lights with the solar powered ones. With this switch, there has been an influx of the need for solar street lighting solutions. Working with necessities around the globe, we understand the need. That is what makes us the leaders in solar lighting.
At Utkal Galvanizers Ltd., we offer street light poles with mounts for solar panels that are engineered as per your customisation. Our structures are hot dip galvanized That reduces operational costs.
You can trust Utkal Galvanizers Ltd with Conical Poles, Steel Tubular Poles, and Street Light Poles for lighting applications and lighting masts, stand-alone poles and columns for non-lighting applications suitable for streets, highways and downtowns.
With 40 years of manufacturing excellence, Utkal Galvanizers Ltd is a trusted name in the Infrastructure industry.