Utkal Galvanizers provide polygonal pole up to 12.5 m height in single segment & upto 40M height in multiple segments, design as per BS 5649 which is available both Foundation type & Grouting type . This has a very long life even in corrosive atmosphere for external & internal Hot Dip Galvanized coating. Currently, our capacity of production is 60,000 poles per year. We are exporting in the various countries in the world for Lighting, Distribution & transmission of electricity. Our Poles can also be used for Solar Panels. As a first, we have the facility in Eastern India & second in Pan India.
At Utkal Galvanizers Ltd. We offer a wide range of street lighting poles, customised as per client requirements that are used for outdoor illumination, power distribution, solar, surveillance and smart pole application. Manufactured conforming to BIS 875 Part III and ILE TR7, we offer lighting poles ranging from 3 meters to any size as per customer specifications and design requirements, that can withstand wind speeds up to 300 km/hour.
Utkal Galvanizers designed & supplied an internal standard Stadium lighting pole for Stadiums & large area. Stadium lighting structures are available for any application, from cricket stadiums to tennis courts.
With our designs customized for each customer, our telecom poles look like no other in the industry. From triangular to circular platforms with a multitude of climbing options, our poles will meet your zoning requirement and be aesthetically pleasing.
We offer traffic structure solutions to meet the most demanding requirements. Whether you’re revitalizing your main street or developing a major intersection, UTKAL Galvanizers offers a complete traffic and lighting solution.